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Best Outdoor Podcasts to Listen to When Traveling

If I'm traveling somewhere, either locally or far away, or even if I'm at work pipetting samples all day, I've got a few podcasts queued up to keep me inspired about the environment and ready to get outdoors.

My Top Podcasts

Dirtbag Diaries

I've spent hours listening to this one. From epic, solo, thru-hiking voyages in deep winter, to bike touring across the U.S., to creating adventure challenges with your friends, this podcast has provided me with so much excitement to get outdoors, in any capacity. The theme song is also really dang catchy.

A Sustainable Mind

This podcast is super binge-worthy. The environmental topics and discussions are engaging, and the guests add a lot of value and insight to the show. I learn a LOT from every episode and end up taking notes on all the sustainable things I need to look into and incorporate in my life afterwards (i.e. books mentioned, other blogs, life style tips, inspirational people, etc.)

How to Save a Planet

Keep up to date on what is happening with the planet and what can be done to help fix the Earth's issues. It can be depressing at times, but every episode ends with a call to action. We can be part of the solution, so tune in to learn about the problem.

Bikes or Death

I have loved this podcast, and it has given me the opportunity to geek out about bikes, racing, and hearing the experiences from impressive cyclists. The host often interviews the winners of races, such as the Tour Divide or Race Across America, and people who set the latest FKT. It's a great introduction to cycling Big Names and getting familiar with what's happening and new in the cycling/bike racing world. I find it unbelievably inspiring to hear the stories from the cyclists who are pushing their limits and setting new records.

Bike Tour Adventures Podcast

This is a great podcast which interview people from all over the world who are embarking/who have completed epic and inspiration bike touring adventure. The host talks to cyclists who have been living on their bike for 10+ years, who have toured across countries and continents, who have raced in competitions, and who juggle other hobbies (like being a musician, artist, or writer). There are also tips about gear and bike maintenance. All a round, this is an awesome pick to get a dose of wanderlust.

Locations Unknown

If you need more gripping stories and are a fan of murder podcasts, this one will keep you engaged and awake during your travels. It takes a look at the unexplained disappearances of the thousands of people in the wilderness. I have only just recently added this to my list of podcasts, so I'm excited to start binging these episodes!

She Explores

As a woman in the outdoors, I really appreciate hearing about the adventures of other women, especially in topics like solo-hiking or camping. I am generally cautious of doing solo-trips of any kind, but it is empowering to know what women are capable of doing in the outdoors. This podcast interviews many diverse women in the outdoors, and it is simply all-around inspiring.

Endurance Planet

A little more heavy duty on the athletics, this is a great Q&A podcast where the hosts answer questions related to fitness, training, and concepts like VO2 Max. I've found this useful when training for long distance hikes/bike rides and learning fueling techniques.

Adventure Travel Show

Like She Explores, I have recently discovered this to learn more about bike packing. What I've discovered so far is that this podcast is really the foundational information you need if you are learning about new activities. This is truly your "how to" podcast for getting out there and trying new things. I've found it helpful for hearing about the pros and cons related to tents vs tarps, how to be sustainable while touring, and gear to consider (or reconsider) if going on long bike rides. It's also nice to brush up on new tips that improve my current set up.

Hippie Haven

I have really enjoyed this podcast, and it is on my list to dive deeper into the episodes. It covers a wide range of topics like composting, saving coral reefs, having a zero-waste store, how to be more ethical, and just being more sustainable. I love the diversity and in-depth conversations with all the guests. The only downside is that it is very Q&A, and it lacks natural conversation.

Other Podcasts (less related to the outdoors)

Science Vs

I went through a strong phase where I binged a lot of these episodes all at once. It's good to hear about solid literature reviews to keep us in check on what we believe to be true. A number of episodes discuss environmental topics, so keep an eye out for those ones (the pros and cons between dairy alternatives is a good one). Also, Wendy is hilarious and engaging, so she makes the science super fun!

The Moth

These are wonderfully crafted stories from people all over the world. I have both cried and laughed in the same episodes, but usually I am left inspired to do something great.


Need a laugh and want to learn neat things about the world? This is a great podcast that covers a wide range of topics, like sea turtles, hagfish, scorpions, ticks, wildfires, forensic ecology.... the list goes on. Make sure you add this to your list!

I am always looking for new podcasts, so if you have any suggestions, please let me know!


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